Thursday 13 September 2012

Localising: V3.0 Coming

Version 3.0 of Localising is now waiting for Unity to approve it on the Asset Store. (edit: is now live)

There is a massive amount of breaking changes in this version however, there are lots of awesome changes that will make future improvements easier and better. There is a new file format, so upgrades will take some time to convert them to the new format by hand.

  • Changed the system to use CSV files instead of Key:Value
  • Changed the method of handling multiple languages. That is now stored in the CSV files
  • Made Localisation into a MonoBehaviour
  • Made a custom inspector for Localisation
  • Improved the editor for localised files
  • Added a search option for identities to the editor
  • Added a language filter option to the editor
  • Now uses Unity 3.5.5 (will probably backport it within the next while)
  • Price change to $25
Registering a Save Method
Save Method
OnGUI Method
DeRegistering the Save Method
Editor - No Open File
Editor - Open File
Editor - Filtering Languages
Editor - Searching Identities
Customer Inspector

WebPlayer Demo


Wednesday 12 September 2012

UniPack: 1.0 Released

UniPack is a simple to use file compactor, similar to .PAK and .TAR. It will create a single file from a folder full of files. This makes it easier to distribute game content and updates. UniPack also supports viewing of standard folders as if they were packed files. This means that you won't have to constantly recreate the packed file when you make changes during development.

Also supported is creating patch files. This takes the latest version of a folder and compares it to a older packed file, it then generates a patch file that can be distributed in a patch to your game. This means you won't have to redistribute the whole file when making incremental patches.

Name: UniPack
Source Code: C#
Price: $ 30
Unity Version: 3.4.1
Works with Unity Free
Asset Store Link.
*Only been tested on a Windows 7 (x64) machine.

Garth (Lead)

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Online Documentation

I've placed all documentation for our current projects online.

JukeBox - Pro

UniPack is still being worked on but is approaching 1.0 release level.
