Tuesday 1 November 2011

FeedMe: Feed Reader for Unity

Almost a year ago, I independently releases a free simple feed reader that only could read a custom feed format and while that was all good and well I decided that I should put in some extra effort and get it working with RSS 2.0 and ATOM format feeds.

This I have done, you can read more in a blog post on my personal blog. The system is nearly done, in terms of how it works. It can currently load RSS, ATOM and the custom format of the previous versions.
However it currently only loads the following from each entry:

  • Title
  • PubDate/Updated
  • Description/Content
  • Link
These are the basic essentials of what is within each entry in a feed. However we will work on getting more entities extracted. This system is fairly lightweight as it does not use System.XML to load or parse the feed. It uses the freely available TinyXmlReader from the Unity Wiki.

Language: C#
Price: $ 20
Unity Version: 3.4.1
Asset Store: http://u3d.as/content/corrupted-smile-studio/feed-me

Although it is done in C#, you can simply move the FeedMe folder into the Standard Assets folder in order to access the scripts from UnityScript.

I shall leave you with a demo of FeedMe.
(Edit: Submitted to Unity's Asset Store: Awaiting approval Has been approved)

Garth (Lead)

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